catcher in the rye
he said to her
__ Sunday, December 16, 2007

let's begin the post with a story:
-storyline:the boy(joke) has been crushing on this girl(Mary) for 3/4 of a year now so this is what happens when the girl is leaving for overseas for holiday...

joke: i dont like you a lot, i love you truckloads. and i have been trying to get you to like me the same way with my dao tactics. though i dont know whether its working or not. but i just wanted to say that i dont want to just be friends with you. i want to be with you now and forever. and if you dont. i won't understand cause i know this love is real.

(this was all in sms^^, so very interesting hur? so lets see her reply!!!)

Mary: Huh? Sorry i had to go :-P

-end of story-

okay boys and girls this is to prove how much of a retard the joke is and how retarded a reply mary can give. insensitive and hurtful :D probably why i dont get girls.

anyway i coooked at my dad's house..0.0 it was like camping we ccooked steak on a hotplate. thats all guys...BYE <3>

Dr LoveLess

oh baby your the devil to me
__ Friday, December 14, 2007

oh sweetie? your the most hurtful person to me i have ever met.

i got blindsided by you i gave in to the
temptation it sucks... its okay man im still, man! ^^
why did i have to get to know you in the
first place? you are horrible and wonderful at the same time.

the match today was shit. "THANKS MOM FOR REMINDING ME"

smash me into a break wall i want to injure myself.

Dr LoveLess

i feel fat again todayy GRRR
__ Thursday, December 13, 2007


i think that is just a sign dude for all of you to watch out!!!
i might step on you with my fatness.
on behalf of the blogging crew here we would like to thank abby for reading this thing. but yes abby im still going to dao you for being to abby-like. so this is the deal, recently, abby hasn't been the only one on my dao list. they are generally all not guys cause guys i hate i dao naturally, secondly they seem to have a good network of people. thats about it. :D oh yes i went to russel ng's house and he lent me his 30 gig iPod. i realised now that my main goal of life now is an electric guitar ^^. lets go julian!

Dr LoveLess

hello peeps
__ Monday, December 10, 2007

hmpf im really bored i guess im posting to past the its been hard trying to keep up the full fledged christian thing.honestly i failed.see its so lousy i wish i had someone to talk to about it like a group or something.i thought of getting the class together to do the kind of thing but i just didn't try in the end.L.O.L. = lots of love

Dr LoveLess

Acs(i) Rugby

1)i'm a virginn
2)scored 229 psle[haha sk(198) loser]not sand king
3)liverpool is as ownage as me
4)o ya Manchester United sux
5)i love: Mr T 'i pitty the fool!
6)jonah lomu for being so pwnage
7)Ali G, Borat
8)040193_-january baby!-_

October 2006
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The Gool Squad!
Find me on MySpace and be my friend!
Taro Tan
